aeon foundation
Our Vision
The aeon foundation aims to translate the latest scientific research in the field of technologically driven longevity into policies capable of extending human life and improving quality of life.

Key Point
Life expectancy has increased by three decades since the mid-twentieth century. Parallel healthspan expansion has however not followed, largely impeded by the pandemic of chronic diseases afflicting a growing older population. Pathological conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and neurodegenerative disorders identify aging as the main risk factor. The lag in quality of life is a recognized challenge that calls for the Prioritization of disease-free longevity.
Source: Zhavoronkov, A., Li, R., Ma, C., & Mamoshina, P. (2019). Deep biomarkers of aging and longevity: from research to applications. Aging, 11(22), 10771–10780.
Work on scale
Healthy longevity mandates synchronized achievements at the individual, community, and global levels. For each individual, holistic lifelong care must encompass validated healthspan expanding options. Freedom from disease and integration within the community must be ensured. Globally, in diverse populations, access to next-generation cures must be guaranteed to reduce the healthspan- lifespan gap equitably.
Extended health horizon

• Validate healthspan expanding solutions
• Optimize lifelong care for the whole persone
Source: Garmany, A., Yamada, S. & Terzic, A. Longevity leap: mind the healthspan gap. npj Regen Med 6, 57 (2021).
Extended health horizon

• Enable freedom from diseases across aging populations
• Ensure elderly integration in the community
Source: Garmany, A., Yamada, S. & Terzic, A. Longevity leap: mind the healthspan gap. npj Regen Med 6, 57 (2021).
Extended health horizon

• Scale equitable access for next generation cures
• Reduce the current life span-healthspan gap
Source: Garmany, A., Yamada, S. & Terzic, A. Longevity leap: mind the healthspan gap. npj Regen Med 6, 57 (2021).
Health and economic impact
it is estimated that acting on the quality of aging, simultaneously reducing morbidities and promoting a 1-year increase in life expectancy would have a positive economic impact on the U.S. population of $38 trillion. This is because a healthy individual makes choices that are more directed toward consumption, active leisure management and would be more likely to work. Scholars, using the value of statistical life (VSL) model, have also shown that policies focused on aging would create a virtuous and complementary process of improving the quality of life in old age and further advancing life expectancy. A model that appears to be clearly more effective than targeting a single disease (cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurovegetative disease, and so on) where the gains in terms of extending life expectancy, in the presence of definitive treatments, would be smaller than those we could achieve by targeting aging. On the other hand, since the distinctive cellular damages of aging (hallmarks of aging) largely overlap with those that promote the aforementioned age-related diseases, acting on aging on average should also achieve a marked reduction in the prevalence of these dramatic conditions.
To understand what is really moving this enormous capital and the growing interest of most developed countries and investors on longevity research, it is necessary to analyze the phenomenon from a medical-health perspective. Aging, in fact, in high-income countries should be considered as the major risk factor for major diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. According to data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program of the National Cancer Institute, incidence rates for all types of cancer increase with aging, from less than 25 cases per 100,000 people under 20 to more than 1,000 per 100,000 people in the over-60s groups. Conditions in the neurological domain also identify aging as the main risk factor. According to estimates published in The Lancet, the number of people with dementia could increase from 57.4 million cases globally in 2019 to 152.8 million cases in 2050. For the same age-standardized prevalence of both sexes, we must therefore assume a considerable increase in the total number of cases of all these diseases.
Source: Scott, A.J., Ellison, M. & Sinclair, D.A. The economic value of targeting aging. Nat Aging 1, 616–623 (2021)

A shared action integrating public and societal endeavors with emerging interventions that target age-related multi-morbidity and frailty is needed. A multidimensional buildout of a curative perspective, boosted by modern anti-senescent and regenerative technology with augmented decision making, would require dedicated resources and cost-effective validation to responsibly bridge the healthspan- lifespan gap for a future of equitable global wellbeing.
Source: Garmany, A., Yamada, S. & Terzic, A. Longevity leap: mind the healthspan gap. npj Regen Med 6, 57 (2021).
Longevity Mindset
It is therefore necessary to rethink aging from the perspective of a longevity mindset.
Eradicate the twentieth-century thinking that defines as normal a dramatic degeneration of one's physical and mental abilities associated with advancing age, channeling it into attitudes such as sedentariness,
isolation or cognitive inactivity, which burden people by further promoting the weakening of their abilities.
A longevity mindset allows us to take preventive action, thinking about the future of our health by acting on today, with a medium- and long-term view.

Demographic transition for EU
Longevity medicine holds significant importance for demography in our rapidly aging global population. As life expectancy continues to increase, addressing the healthcare needs of an aging demographic becomes a critical societal challenge. Longevity medicine aims to not only extend human lifespans but also improve the quality of life in old age, reducing the burden of age-related diseases and healthcare costs.
By enhancing the health and productivity of older individuals, longevity medicine can help support a more balanced age distribution, mitigate the economic strains of an elderly-dependent population, and promote intergenerational equity. It is essential for maintaining a harmonious and sustainable society in the face of shifting demographic dynamics.
Thus, if the demographic prospects are not rosy in terms of chronological age, they could be rosy in terms of biological age if resources and policies will be dedicated in this direction by the EU. For this purpose, Aeon has created and supports the concept of "Demographic Transition", which aims at improving the future harsh demographic projections in Europe through the help and widespread adoption of longevity policies.
Democratizing longevity
Democratizing longevity medicine through new policies and investments is crucial for ensuring equitable access to the benefits of extended and healthier lifespans. By removing barriers and promoting affordability, we can ensure that longevity interventions are not limited to a privileged few. This democratization fosters societal inclusivity and reduces disparities in health outcomes, allowing people from all backgrounds to enjoy the advantages of an extended, disease-free life. Additionally, it stimulates innovation and research in longevity science, propelling advancements that benefit society as a whole. In a world where longevity medicine is more accessible, we can create a fairer, healthier, and more prosperous future for everyone, irrespective of their socioeconomic status. Through policy, communication and research, Aeon aims at easing the diffusion of longevity medicine and innovations.
Health literacy
Health literacy is increasingly crucial, particularly as we venture into an era dominated by longevity medicine, which places a strong emphasis on preventive measures. Health literacy empowers individuals to comprehend the importance of lifestyle choices, preventive screenings, and early interventions, all of which play pivotal roles in promoting longevity and health. As medicine advances towards a proactive approach, where preventing diseases takes precedence over treating them, health literacy becomes the bedrock for individuals to actively participate in their own well-being. This goal is pivotal to our Foundation.