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Scientific Collaboration between AEON Foundation and ‘Le Iene’ Program on Italia 1

➔ The AEON Foundation is pleased to have participated as a scientific advisor for an tv report broadcasted by ‘Le Iene’, a renowned tv program (part of the Italian tv channel Italia 1).

The provocative question posed in the service was: is it possible to reduce one’s biological age?

In an attempt to answer this question, the ‘Le Iene’ team highlighted the importance of longevity and how it can be influenced by conscious lifestyle choices, interviewing our Dr. Aureliano Stingi and involving Director Dr. Nicola Marino.

Through an experiment, the biological age of well-known Italian personalities, including influencers and athletes Ludovica Pagani, Valentina Vignali, and tennis champion Flavia Pennetta, was scrutinized.

Thanks to the advanced use of artificial intelligence algorithms adopted by our team, the service demonstrated how targeted changes in lifestyle and diet can not only slow down the aging process but even reverse it, showcasing a change in biological age before and after the personalized treatment.

The AEON Foundation, always at the forefront of scientific research for human well-being and longevity, sees in these results, although empirical, are in line with scientific literature, a confirmation of its commitment to developing innovative strategies to improve the quality of life.

This service not only highlights the importance of a scientific approach to health but also opens new perspectives on the potential of aging biomarkers in the field of preventive medicine.

The Foundation invites the scientific community, healthcare professionals, and the public to consider the impact that conscious choices can have on our biological age and our long-term health.

The link to the service is available on the official website.

Date: 01/2024